A plate with a grilled wrap and carrot and mixed veggie slaw salad

Fueling Your Comeback

Why Nutrition is Key to Injury Recovery

You hit the gym hard, pushing yourself to gain and grow, but when a twinge turns into throbbing pain, it’s time to create a solid plan for recovery. Rest, physical therapy, performance training, and mobility maintenance are crucial, but there’s another unsung hero in your recovery journey: nutrition.

Think of your body like a construction zone. After an injury, you’re rebuilding damaged tissue. To do that effectively, you need the right materials; that’s where food comes in. Here’s how proper nutrition supercharges your recovery:

Fortify Your Building Blocks!

Protein is the foundation for muscle, tendon, and ligament repair. Aim for high-quality sources like lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy or vegan/vegetarian protein sources.

Be Pro-Anti-Inflammatories!

Consume fruits, vegetables, and fatty fish that are rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. They’ll reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Energize and Fuel Your Recovery!

Recovering from an injury takes a toll. Ensure you’re consuming enough calories from complex carbohydrates like whole grains and starchy vegetables to fuel your body’s repair processes. Meals and snacks play a crucial role in providing your body with the energy it needs to perform at its best and recover properly.

Timing Isn’t Everything, but It’s Important!

By strategically placing your meals and snacks around your workouts, you can optimize your body’s ability to utilize nutrients for performance and recovery.

Pre-Workout (1-4 hours before)

Focus on easily digestible carbohydrates and moderate protein to provide sustained energy and help prevent muscle breakdown.
Examples: Oatmeal with berries and nuts, whole-wheat toast with avocado and eggs, Greek yogurt with fruit and granola.

Post-Workout (within 30-60 minutes after)

Focus on carbohydrates for muscle glycogen (energy stores) replenishment and protein for muscle repair and growth to aid recovery and help build muscle.
Examples: Salmon with brown rice and roasted vegetables, chicken stir-fry with whole-wheat noodles, protein smoothie with fruit and spinach.


If your pre-/post-workout meals aren’t close to your workout, add an easily digestible snack to tide you over. Bananas and nut butters can provide fast pre-workout fuel, and a protien shake can provide fast fuel for post-w0rkout muscle repair.

Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!

Water is essential for transporting nutrients throughout your body and flushing out waste products. Staying hydrated can also reduce fatigue and improve circulation.

Learn What Works for You!

Remember, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. I can help you create a personalized plan based on your specific injury, activity level, and nutritional needs. These are general guidelines, and your optimal timing and food choices may vary depending on factors like exercise intensity, duration, and individual dietary needs.

Consistent meal timing and smart food choices partnered with proper nutrition and a solid rehab exercise plan will have you back to crushing your workouts in no time!

Ready to get started? Contact me at coach@coachkimmie.com to schedule a consultation. I can help you get back to your best self.


Kimberly Marler
April 16, 2024